Monday, December 24, 2007

It's Waterloo.

I love Christmas in Waterloo for many reasons. My current reason is the seven hours I have devoted thus far to the best thing that man has ever created--the Wii. I have become an expert in Tennis--my current skill level is 934, and I am hoping to increase this to level 1000 (PRO!) by the time I leave. Or by noontime. My father is giving a futile attempt to increase his skill level so that he can beat me, but I'm not really worried. I can stay up all night if necessary.

However, my arms are now sore from my rigorous Wii workout, and so I am going to work on dinner instead. As Jennie has documented, we have an entire tide pool's worth of sea creatures to prepare, and so, I am off. Ciao.

-N. Panda

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