Monday, December 24, 2007

Tarter Sauce

We've discovered the following:

When making the Barefoot Contessa Tartar Sauce recipe, one should use triple the pickles and extra mayo to taste. Otherwise, it becomes to tangy. (Also add red sauce Mom likes that is what they use at Seva to make the sauce for Sweet Potato Fries.)


The clams, and a lesson.

Today the family has learned that we must keep the clams in the refrigerator, not on the East Porch, nor with the frozen shrimp. We must keep them alive until we cook them.


It's Waterloo.

I love Christmas in Waterloo for many reasons. My current reason is the seven hours I have devoted thus far to the best thing that man has ever created--the Wii. I have become an expert in Tennis--my current skill level is 934, and I am hoping to increase this to level 1000 (PRO!) by the time I leave. Or by noontime. My father is giving a futile attempt to increase his skill level so that he can beat me, but I'm not really worried. I can stay up all night if necessary.

However, my arms are now sore from my rigorous Wii workout, and so I am going to work on dinner instead. As Jennie has documented, we have an entire tide pool's worth of sea creatures to prepare, and so, I am off. Ciao.

-N. Panda

Christmas Eve-- The 7 (ish) Fish

We bought the seafood yesterday. A quick run down:

1. Clams -- 10.5 lbs (Costco, $34)
2. Dungeness Crab (live) -- 2 (Ypsi Asian Market, $30)
3. Blue Crab (frozen) --6 (Ann Arbor Asian Market, $7)
4. Lobster (live) -- 2 (Ypsi Asian Market, $74)
5. Squid (frozen) -- Monahan's
6. Shrimp (frozen from Costco, cooked from Monahan's) -- 5.5 lbs ( 4 lbs from Costco $30, 1.5 from Monahan's $22.95 )
